Sunday, April 6, 2008

Your contract!

Do you have questions about your contract? Check it out here!


April 10th begins our newest round of professional bargaining. Yes, we are at it again.

Come and observe. At these meetings you are invited to sit in and watch. You will be in the room with us. Board negotiators, Lee Wilkerson and his advisor, Gary Anderson, notice when teachers are present. It makes a difference - and helps us reinforce our points.

PLEASE COME AND TAKE PART. Central Office, April 10th! Stay as long or as short as your schedule allows.
MEA BANQUET!! Monday, April 28th!
James Union at MTSU. 6-8 pm.
Dr. Earl Wiman, the unpredictable president of TEA will speak.
Delicious menu and great entertainment planned.
Come honor our retirees and others.